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Temple naturally many of duo s assassinations could not be hidden from emperor he didn t send people to keep an eye on duoduo and dali temple but sent people to keep an eye on queen when he learned that rong yuliang.

Went to fengyi palace to plead guilty again he knew that queen must have attacked duoduo again wang fugui looked at xu zhizhong s cold face hesitated for a while and then asked does emperor want to do you want me to.

Go to dali temple to have a look xu zhizhong took a deep breath and calmed down no need dead man said that rong yuliang entered fengyi palace anxiously which means that matter has not been completed I don t know if.

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Thing don t everyone want this dragon chair I heard that duoduo was attacked send someone to express condolences xu zhizhong said lan yu er walked half a step behind xu zhizhong hearing this he took a deep look at xu.

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Young if xu zhizhong is really affectionate how can he not recognize s just one aspect xu zhizhong is also sincere he knows that he can t fool lan yuer and there is no need to let lan yuer feeling unhappy he said.

Dishes with a look in his eyes he also picked up chopsticks and picked up a piece of fish belly for lan yuer you don t have to wait on me let s have a home cooked meal lan yuer took a deep breath but you are your.

Majesty how can there be no one to serve you you are still queen I say yes xu zhizhong took serving chopsticks from lan yu er s hand and put aside today we eat like an ordinary family lan yu er glanced at him.

Small rapeseed before that she didn t forget to say thank you your majesty thought he put down his chopsticks and looked at lan yu er seriously as if he had never known this person before from lan yu er s eyes he could.

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Relief I should be asking you this do you know how dangerous your actions are just now you almost died boy blinked and pointed at many duo duo then slowly lowered his fingers and finally pointed at horse just you.

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Truth for my mother and give my mother justice perhaps duoduo was first person to show kindness to him since he came out of house although he felt awkward he still shared his feelings with duoduo I don t mean to.

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He quickly took two steps to catch up with many who ran away miss you don t like that kid should I let someone drive him away joke duoduo is now group favorite of dali temple and even palace has given him a lot of.

Adapt would die of hardship within a few years of going there since then everyone in entire capital knew that you could mess with zhu jingyan but you couldn t say a bad word to his daughter if you offend zhu.

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Take initiative to ask to see wuxu is already very rare go go can I accompany you li xiuyuan asked chi yuan glanced at him shouldn t you ask my father about this li xiuyuan pursed his lips suppressing urge to.

Curse when he asked this didn t he mean that he didn t want to go but sect leader asked him to protect chi yuan so he couldn t say no let s go let s go now li xiuyuan said he grabbed book from chi yuan s hand threw.

On table and took him out of room by his arm in stable when two horses galloped out even groom was stunned thinking that his horse had been stolen until he saw slightly short figure of chi yuan.

Will my father plan to pretend to be sick young sect master this is wrong li xiuyuan raised his hand how can this be called pretending to be sick this is s about taking advantage of situation ha chi yuan sneered and.

Father around all time duoduo didn t go out today and he leaned on recliner in a bored manner unconsciously watching pedestrians passing by on street and sizing up expression of each pedestrian when he.

Noticed a pair of feet stopping in front of him he raised his head slightly and saw chi yuan s expressionless face he raised a smile on his face and said here he comes chi yuan s originally expressionless face turned gloomy.

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Can t going back wuxu smiled he was brilliant as if he had thought of something happy tell me more you want to help me at end he thought of something else and he added tell me will be like helping you back then.

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Away violently recliner was unstable and wu xu was almost pushed to ground by chi yuan fortunately he had strong martial arts skills and quick reactions he stabilized his body before falling you angry he seemed to.

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For rest of your life you won t be angry turns out that you chi yuan are just an ordinary person what on earth do you want to do chi yuan took a deep breath and suppressed anger in his heart you don t know what.

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At gate of dali temple are you at shanhe villa very free now as far as he knows not only yunlaizong has been involved in dispute between jianghu and imperial court but also shanhe villa has not been immune to.

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I don t have ability to deal with business of young owner of your shanhe villa resistant to care chi yuan s voice came from afar wuxu shrugged and muttered s boring so I continued to lie on deck chair and.

Bask in sun there have been a lot of cases in dali temple recently coupled with treacherous situation in court zhu jingyan repeatedly told many people not to go out easily if there is nothing to do I don t know.

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Hand and sat down in front of window in a bad mood many eyes suddenly turned red do you miss xiaochi or do you miss xiaowan zhu jingyan continued to ask duoduo is a child and children all hope to have playmates in.

Addition duoduo is a child who likes to be lively now there is a person who can there was no one to talk to so how could she endure both duoduo didn t feel awkward at all she raised her head and asked dad will brother.

Chi yuan come back why don t you think so zhu jingyan asked softly don t you know that he left he s going to do his own thing now when he completes his mission he will come back to you just just like you you also have.

Things you want to do chi yuan should also have his mission to complete and you can only play around with peace of mind when you are all done right zhu jingyan rubbed top of duoduo s hair otherwise daddy would like to.

Ask you would you like to let you go out and play with xiaochi now many duo shook his head without even thinking about I have to first only by investigating cause of my mother s death avenging my mother and finding.

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Mind but again knowing in your heart is one thing but when actually doing things is not easy to follow reason s just that zhu jingyan has many things to do every day so how can she let zhu jingyan worry about her.

Little daughters she raised a smile with a face like a little girl s thank you daddy I ve made clear I have my own things to do brother chi yuan also has things to do with brother chi yuan we will finish our own things.

Separately and we will meet later zhu jingyan rubbed top of duo duo s hair that s right he still had something to do this time he came over and heard cang chen say that duo duo s state was not right ask him to come over.

And take a look he just took time out of his busy schedule to come over duoduo also knew that zhu jingyan was busy so father and daughter said a few more words and ended conversation tacitly not long after zhu.

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Many special carriages in order to make duoduo more comfortable when going out zhu jingyan although this carriage s not big but decoration inside is top notch as soon as carriage left gate of dali temple he.

Smelled fragrance of orchids which was incense in carriage he glanced at big tree on side aren t you showing up yet there was no response and he didn t care duo duo quickly came out of dali temple and.

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Other people s kindness to her with peace of mind she hoped that she could be of some use and even if she could help very little she hoped to share burden together many duo felt a little heavy and she opened car.

Fell on wuxu s slightly thin back wuxu xu do you want to play with me wu xu turned around suddenly as if he was hit by a pie falling from sky with unhidden surprise in his eyes really is okay certainly duo duo.

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Wuxu tilted his head and asked chi yuan who had a cold face behind him how about you go chi yuan froze hand also slowly loosened chi yuan did not see wuxu but said to duoduo duoduo believe me he is not a good person.

He must have a purpose for approaching you really duoduo chuckled then you why not tell me what is his purpose wuxu also looked at chi yuan with a half smile waiting for him to tell his purpose look like a gentleman.

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Many hands don t pretend to be deep here young master speak business zhu jingyan wished he could turn you into eyeballs and stuff in your eye sockets why is he willing to let you go out many duo s face which was.

Can he have time to play with duoduo he could also see that duoduo was here to have fun but expression on his face was not at all relaxed he does not get involved in court disputes but he also grew up in palace and.

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On carriage guang qing an led people to stay to clean battlefield and rest went back to dali temple directly before xu jintang arrived at dali temple zhu jingyan sent someone to rush to deliver news come back.

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Of prince brother she had harmed was now uncertain what right did she have to cry in front of prince brother s door xu shizi won t blame you of knowledge is nothing like father how can zhu jingyan not understand what.

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Head s all my fault if I don t go out I won t give queen took this opportunity to be hungry s not your fault zhu jingyan patted duoduo s back lightly queen sent so many people even if you don t go out.

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First was dad then uncle zhang uncle chen and now when s your turn brother shizi I will kill you all kill him daddy nonsense zhu jingyan tapped on many small heads lightly isn t daddy all right now and your uncle.

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A bad thing if s a good thing s true that with her status and situation she really needs to be calm and not easily moved by foreign things but I m thinking about this such a heavy child he was worried that huiji would.

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Didn t give my mother slightest help your mother has ability to protect herself zhu jingyan rubbed he rubbed top of duoduo s hair and said as long as no one discovers your existence and your mother takes you you.

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Know how to do martial arts has just given birth and her body is weakest how did she manage to escape from siege and interception with a baby I m guessing that someone helped your mother but who this person was and.

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Scrambling to squeeze out duoduo suddenly came back to his senses jumped down from zhu jingyan s arms and ran in front of duoduo lu shi an in three steps at a time master lu how is brother shizi don t touch wound with.

Water and you ll be fine after a period of recuperation lu shi an handed zhu jingyan a prescription keep an eye on him carefully this prepare medicine in advance if someone has a fever give him a drink as long as.

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But there were many of duo duo s favorite dishes on table as soon as first dish was served duoduo realized something was wrong presentation of this dish is somewhat familiar guangqing an picked up a piece of meat.

For duoduo with her chopsticks try quickly although this wishing restaurant is newly opened tastes good I ve heard colleagues praise many times so I have a chance to try today duoduo picked up fried pork.

That guang qing an sent to his own bowl and brought to his mouth moment of entrance sense of familiarity is even heavier this is smell of chi yuan many immediately I just wanted to go to back kitchen to see.

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Place was not because he couldn t run fast but just to attract chen ye s attention so as to delay time for others and his goal was achieved after he threw chen ye away was too late for chen ye to chase others let s go.

Dali temple s sitting in morgue now wu zuo was doing an autopsy zhu jingyan entered morgue with his front foot and then withdrew with his back foot you take duoduo home first he looked at guang qing an with a.

Doing for her own good yes she didn t want to cause trouble for her father so she just asked can t I stay I can help zhu jingyan rubbed duoduo s forehead be good duoduo daddy will tell you case later listen many.

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